Easy Way to Handle Discount Requests for Photo Booth Owners - Photobooth Décor

Easy Way to Handle Discount Requests for Photo Booth Owners


Running my photo booth business has been an amazing journey! I love supporting local events and making them unforgettable. But recently, the number of requests for discounts and sponsorships has exploded! My inbox was overflowing, and I was spending more time managing these requests than actually running my business. I needed a better way to handle this, and I found one!

I’m super excited to share this trick that has worked wonders for me! Implementing our Discount/Sponsorship Eligibility Assessment process—it's been a total game-changer.


Here's how it works:

All our discount or sponsorship requests will need to fill out a form.

Here's the secret...
  1. It requires the client to put in effort for a discount or sponsorship. Ideally, the form's length will discourage those who aren't serious.
  2. If they do fill it out, they must answer the challenging question: "Why do you deserve a discount?"—a question we often want to ask but hesitate to because it feels impolite. The form, however, can ask it without any discomfort.
  3. Completing the form provides us with all the necessary information to make a well-informed decision.

Once they submit the form, we let them know it will take 5-10 days to get an answer.


This method has been incredibly effective! I want to share with you the form PLUS the email we send with it.




Here’s how to set this up.

  1. Get the form!

  2. Click on  “Make a Copy”

  3. You may be asked to update the file uploader. Hit restore.

  4. Double-click this text field.
  5. Type "Your Company Name"

  6. Click on “Responses”

  7. Click on the 3 dots

  8. Click on “Get email notifications for new responses”

  9. Click on “Send”

  10. Click on the Link Icon

  11. Check the “shorten URL” box

  12. Click "Copy" to copy the link so you can send it to any of your clients or paste it into an email.



Hi <Name>,

Thank you for reaching out about your event. We'd love to invite you to take part in our Discount/Sponsorship Eligibility Assessment.

This assessment aims to collect details about your specific circumstances to see if you qualify for a discount on our products. Please fill out the attached form with as much information as you can about your situation.

Form Link: <insert your form link here>

Rest assured, the information you provide will be kept confidential and used solely to evaluate your eligibility for a discount. The form should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and we would appreciate it if you could return it within the next 7 days.

We're dedicated to offering the best experience and value to our customers, and we believe this assessment will help us do just that. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. We look forward to receiving your completed form.

Best regards,



Hi <Name>,

Thanks for reaching out about your event. We’d love to get to know you better and see if you qualify for a discount.

Just fill out the attached form and tell us a bit about yourself. The more details you give us, the easier it will be to see if you're eligible for a discount. Don’t worry, all your information will stay confidential and be used only for this purpose.

Form Link: <insert your form link here>

The form should only take around 10-15 minutes to complete. The sooner you send it back, the quicker we can let you know if you qualify for a discount. Sounds good, right?

We’re committed to making our customers happy, and this new process will help us do just that. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

Thanks for being a part of this, <Name>. We can’t wait to see your form!



Create a Gmail Template

Now all there's left to do is create a Template in Gmail, and you're ready to rock!



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